Online - Shop
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Ab Februar 2011 ist es für unsere Kunden aus den Ländern der GUS möglich geworden, sowohl Informationen über Security Produkte von unserern Lieferanten in unserem Online - Shop einzuholen, als auch die gewünschten Produkte bei unserem Tochterunternehmen in Minsk - JV BELSTIEPF - online zu bestellen.
Prior consent of the credit insurance for the project "Miradino"
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The Euler Hermes Credit Insurance SC has given the prior consent of the credit insurance for the project "Miradino". The project financing was completed in collaboration with the BPS-Bank JSC and Deutsche Bank SC.
Security Russia, Moskow
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STIEPF AG together with its partners Dallmeier (Germany) and Telecommunication (Russia) successfully participated in the exhibition “Security Russia” in Moscow. The most technological product of STIEPF JSC was presented at this exhibition - the software created on the base of .NET platform and SIEMENS controllers for access control systems, used for security of industrial places, public buildings, financial institutions and objects with especially high requirements to security.
Borlas Retail technologies in Belarus
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Borlas Retail together with its partner BelStiepf JV successfully finished the automation project of 25 retail shops in the republic of Belarus. As a result of this cooperation such shoe shops as Axis and Megatop were equipped with the systems TradeX and PosX, developed by Borlas Retail.
The 2nd Bangkok International Print and Drawing Exhibition
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For some years the Company STIEPF JSC supports the talented Belarusian artists. By Silpakorn University, in cooperation with the Siam Cement Foundation, in Thailand was arranged the 2nd Bangkok Triennial International Print and Drawing Exhibition, which is scheduled to be held every three years to offer Thai and foreign artists an opportunity to display their most recent works and to demonstrate the progressive development of Modern Art in Thailand, which enhances the interaction and exchange of cultures among people, not only from countries throughout the region, but throughout the world. This exhibition is also considered as a contributive activity for celebrating the occasion of 65th Anniversary of Silpakorn University in 2008. Our Partner, the Belarusian Painter - Andrey Bassalyga, was given the awards for his work “Lesson of Anatomy”.
Artist : Mr. Andrey Bassalyga
Nation : Belarus
Title of work :
Technique : Colour Ink, Pastel, Paper
Size : 35 x 97 cm.
Year : 2008
Middle East Electricity, Dubai
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The Exhibition Middle East Electricity gives opportunity to exchange experience in different spheres. This is the ideal platform for cooperation between professionals and an opportunity to offer their services to qualified audience. STIEPF JSC together with its Partner SES Group presented the modern solutions for video surveillance and access control.
Security exhibition, Essen
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Security Essen Exhibition in Germany is an international platform uniting everything that is security related. New products and goods in the field of security are showcased here twice a year. At this exhibition STIEPF JSC together with our partners TST Biometrics and Byometric presented modern technologies in such fields as access control, biometrics, and video surveillance.